Thursday, August 14, 2008

COM+ object can't die immediately

One of my recent assignment when my BLL(Business Logic Layer) was consuming a COM+ component, I've seen at the testing environment in COM+ explorer that interop dlls after being accessed by my code , don't die immediately and moreover it takes lots of time to getting deactivate as it was obvious visually from the COM+ explorer of the 'Test Server'.

Hence I, after googling a bit add the following two lines of code, forcefully try to release the components
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject([Instance Of COM Component] );
[Instance Of COM Component] = null;

But please note that A common approach for releasing unmanaged objects is to set the RCW reference to null and then call System.GC.Collect followed by System.GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers. This is not recommended for performance reasons, because in many situations it can trigger the garbage collector to run too often. Code written by using this approach significantly compromises the performance and scalability of server applications. You should let the garbage collector determine the appropriate time to perform a collection.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Abhinav Bindra bags gold :-)

Bindra makes us proud but the question will remain same. Does this able to lift the status of India as an emerging powerhouse in the sport's world?
If logically analyzing the issue, it is evident that Abhinav is not the product of the system, rather he like last Olympics silver medalist Mr. Rathore, made themselves and system didn't contribute anything to their success.

Though the sports minister has said that this triumph will lift India and it'll be the powerhouse of the world of sport , I am not that much optimistic.

Rather it's a shame that in this time Indian Hockey, indeed first time ever, wont be the part of the Olympics.
Still almost all the sports body are running by some autocratic non sports person instead of some former sports person.

So while the whole nation will celebrate this victory, we should better to not to forget these and hence people of India can only revive the whole system as we've seen government enough!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Indian Football team reaches into the final of AFC 2008

Though the ground condition of Hyderabad was pretty bad but still India managed to beat Myanmar by 1-0 to reach the final of AFC Cup. The solitary goal was scored by Sunil Chetry!
Hope Indian football can continue its good show as wining in the final will confirm them to get a place in Asian Cup.

But infrastructure of Football in this country is pretty bad and that needs to be corrected if ever we've a dream to leave some marks in the Asian Level.

Lets try to bring the golden days of Indian Football

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