Monday, April 27, 2009

Economic turmoil and its impact on us

Just think about those days when the HR executives simply scratch their heads by thinking how they can lure existing employees not to leave from their organization and how to attract new employees with an affordable rates. Even in the placement cells of all business and engineering schools are were buzzing like anything during the time of campusing. Then people suffered by the syndrome of too many and they were in a trouble to decide where to go. And its neither a dream nor a myth ; even 2 years ago these were very familiar scenes to most of the places about which I was talking.
Suddenly things have been going to change rapidly.
Now also HRs are scratching their heads but not for how to retain employees but for how to fire them in a considerable fashion. Employees are struggling how to survive within an organization. Couple of years ago the hard-nosed employee who are very particular about his her work assigned right now they are obliged to do whatever work they have been assigned.
Biggest problem happened probably for the case of value addition. In this way employees have to do all those stuffs those neither contribute anything to their career nor put themselves in a safe and sound position within an organization.
Say if you are doing task X as there are no other work that can be available for you within your organization and the difficulty level of X is such that even a fresher can do that without much hiccups then why your organization needs to pay much higher salary for the same work that can be done by a fresher.
Now we are standing in front of a two edged sword. We can't deny to do task X but by doing the task X you are not moving in a safer or more secured position.
Compared to the corporate world people can think that those people who are doing research , are safe. Yes its true that they are in a better position compared to us but due to lack of funding and inevitable cost cutting they are also feeling the heat.
And in turn people are buying less , trying to save more to secure themselves and hence demand of consumer goods are also declining.
Government even after injecting liquidity to the market , can't make any amendment as there is scarcity of money in the pocket of the common consumer. And its not an easy task to create everything perfectly normal and until then the struggle will prevail, who knows how long?

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