Tuesday, January 26, 2010

IPL Auction made Indians embarrassed

             First of all, I must say I'm not a great fan of Cricket but I personally believe one of the aspects of any game or sports event to foster harmony and peace. It is not a new concept about which we are talking, rather  comes from the history of civilization. If we look at the ancient Olympics, we can see at the time of that event, whole Greece (Macedonia then) was involved in ancient Olympics and there was peace at the time of the event.
             Similarly in several occasion, we've seen sports as a bridge between two culture and sports person often stepped as a brand ambassador for the country (s)he represents. Although there are some exceptions where politics blended with sports, those cases are still seen as an undesirable sporadic incidences.
             But this IPL Auction has crossed all the limits. Initially it has been tactfully spread out by Mr. Lalit Modi and his contingent that actually it is pure cricketing reason for which the cricketers of Pakistan didn't make it through any franchise .Some critics commented out this is bullshit as  Pakistan has got good number of players suitable for this format of Cricket. Then some clever official spread rumor indirectly that because of government permission regarding visa prompted franchise not to take any  cricketers of Pakistan.
           Couple of bitter pills to Mr. Lalit Modi once again:
First,Wasim Akram, bowling consultant of Knight Riders, is a former cricketer of Pakistan. If he doesn't have any problem to get VISA permission from the Indian government, then it is beyond common sense why any cricketer of the same country would have been facing problem?
Second, several Singers and other professionals from Pakistan can get VISA from the government of India. Does Mr. Lalit Modi deny the fact?
        Day before yesterday, honorable Home Minster told to the reporters that he never thought that there would be any such problem. Now we should demand to IPL committee that why they are hiding facts ? Specially as these kind of irrational activities simply act as an adverse direction of the direction of the path through which most of the person of both the present generation of India and  the present generation of Pakistan want to move. Does IPL committee will take the moral responsibility of this gesture?
While we've seen in the past, Cricket, at least most of the times acts as a stimulant to build relationship between these two country.But this time it simply acted unwarrantably. Lastly if IPL committee has had any issue with the cricketers of Pakistan , it could have been sorted out otherwise; at least it would have been better than what happened  if none of the cricketer of Pakistan been put into the auction. Its because of an unfair and unprofessional attitude of IPL committee , whole cricketing fraternity will be affected.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010 -- Few thoughts and doubts

Hey all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wishing all your dreams , goals have been materialized in 2010.
I like to discuss few points here, which might be interesting to you too or even you've also countered those in your life. I would like to know your thoughts also regarding the same either by email or by putting your comments here.
Since my teenage, I've a doubt in my mind that which one having greater impact to life : luck or effort?
Answer is : "It Depends"
When you are doing something related to your professional life or career, effort is more important and has impact to change in your life than luck; but when you are doing something not related with your professional life or career, the scenario reverses.
Let me give an example , you are preparing for some exam, more the effort you'll put , more the chance will be there that you'll be coming out with flying colors.
Almost every quantitative aspects , effort has more impact than luck does.
But consider the scenario, you want to make a friendship with someone , you can't put effort on that.
If she believes that you are not at all suitable for her friendship or if she thinks that you are not honest etc , you can't convince her by putting effort.
You've to have bestowed with sheer luck so that she can be kind enough to accept your friendship.

Secondly how can we distinguish between infatuation and love?
Lets try to write the answer of this in different fashion. Do you think Love at first sight are nearly equivalent to infatuation? One of the meanings of infatuation is "Temporary Love". But every thing in our life when starts, starts like a transient and temporary fashion and then after the passage of time if that has the potential, the temporary one becomes an eternal. In this way of thought,infatuation may end to the true love in some cases. Other meaning of infatuation is "A foolish and usually extravagant passion or love or admiration". Don't you think that the same can be said for the love at first sight?
Some says love is illogical . Probably that is why it is beautiful. But as its really difficult to segregate between infatuation and love , its tough to find parameters with which we can distinguish between this two closely related things yet different in ending!

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