Thursday, January 27, 2011

Calcutta Zoo in a weekend

 Recently I went to Calcutta Zoo just for a change and just to experience an altogether different environment from the places I usually go to weekends. First I like to add here this is my first visit to this zoo after really a long, long period of time. It reminds me about my childhood days when I longed for a day so as to visit the zoo. Calcutta Zoo is probably the oldest zoo in India.
 If I'm saying I'm disappointed to visit the zoo, it is not entirely correct. Let us accept the fact that everything is changing so as the entry fee of zoo, that reaches to 20 rupees per person. But I was delighted that they are still not charging anything for the camera!
In zoo the collection of birds is still awesome. If I remember correctly, I found more mammals when I used to visit zoo regularly in my schooldays. It might be because of wildlife rule or  might be because of the cost, lot of places are empty. I also personally feel that this kind of cage based concept of zoo is now obsolete. I noticed couple of birds can't fly as they are in the cage for a very long time, probably.

But I truly feel that the animals should be cared well. I really don't know whether there are real shortage of workers or not , or there are lack of fund allocation for the welfare of the animal in the zoo, but we like to see more care to the zoo.

At least the environment can be made more eco friendly, more greener and cleaner. The lake water is simply terrible. I was disappointed to know that the reptile house been no longer there in the zoo. Might be the concerned department should come with more innovative plan to renovate the zoo. There can be a small exclusive place for coffee shop or one book shop for the animal related science so that some more revenue can be generated.

Anyways I know it is easy to criticize but I'm not feeling extremely glad when I found that one of the pride of our own city been declining as some of the others.

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