Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Diary of a hepatitis A patient - part 1

Sorry for such a long delay as I was suffering from in illness that prompted me to not to do anything other than my very necessary activities.
Being a non-medical person, I like to write this thing for people like me who may suffer in hepatitis A and trying to get some case study kind of thing about this disease. First I like to assure according to all the doctors with whom I queered about this disease they informed me it's the least serious among the hepatitis family but most prolonged. Sometimes it might go over 3 months even in medical journal it has been mentioned that some patients were suffered from this disease went well over 6/8 months.
Lets first thing first:
The cause of Hepatitis A  is contaminated water. I went to Puri to visit Lord Jagannath temple and almost all the gastroenterologist in Kolkata told me that  they find a number of patients who came from puri being infected by this disease. So please take mineral water from renowned shops when you'll go to the sea cost mostly eastern sea costs of India.
Symptom : During my travel period I often felt drowsiness and nausea and color of my urine was dark brown.
Still I traveled and took sea bath as at that time I thought it was a normal problem and I took less water. So after coming back in Kolkata on 27th February I went for a Liver Function test (LFT) and find SGPT level has crossed 1000 marks where the normal is <39 and SGOT was also quite high.
Then I went to a gastroenterologist in peerless hospital, Kolkata who prescribed me the following medicines:
Urdiogem 300 (for restoring liver enzymes)
Cintodac (increase appetite)
Heptral (regenerate the liver damage -- as he told that it worked well in Europe)
and Duphalac
I also asked for a test confirmation for hepatitis A, B and E and hepatitis A was reactive whereas the rest are non-reactive. He also asked me for an USG for upper abdomen that proved minimal enlargement of spleen.
Though I knew later at that stage this was redundant but probably it's the habit of the medical practitioners.
Another redundant test was Widal test that confirms whether patient was suffered  from Typhoid or not.
So my request to you that please ask your doctor about the tests when he/she prescribed ; cause there is no point for going unnecessary tests!
However after 2 weeks my SGPT levels came down to 220 and SGOT also lowered down and bilirubin  came to 1.0 from 2.7.
So I was happy and after this what happened that can be called a twist in the story and that put me in a worse mental phase.
I'll elaborate this to my next part as I feel it's my duty for the fellow sufferer to provide a detail of my case so that they can relate their case with mine.
Last but not the least:
Even your immunity level is quite high still it takes 1.5 to 2 months to recover and in this time you can feel mild pain in your liver , loss of appetite which are quite normal according to the doctors.
You can also google and gather the same information.

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