Sunday, May 13, 2012

Diary of a hepatitis A patient - part -II

So I was happy and probably little bit lenient to follow the strict food habit.
Though my first doctor never gave me any concrete diet , always saying I should follow normal diet -- but that's confusing for a lay man like us. Whether I can go for a Maggy (even without the Maggy-masala) in breakfast or TAWA rooti that's tough to decide or I need to take little rice as breakfast. Do I need to take pulse all the time or an alternative way. What about fish in normal diet? What will be the quantity? Chicken, egg..question galore. I personally feel in this kind of liver disease the doctor should have a model diet chart which he/ she can circulate among the patients after the required customization. Otherwise it's really confusing.

I personally felt later point of time that doctor assumed that in jaundice (hepatitis A) one lost appetite. So he prescribed CINTODAC to me which enhance your appetite. Consequently I always felt hungry.

Anyways lets not put perception first that came to my mind later. Lets describe it the way it happened. I went for another LFT where I found my SGPT bounced back to 612 and SGOT also sore higher than the earlier. We became worried and suspect the results of the test. Hence restriction returned, rest increased. Though my doctor assured me.
Now after 1 week this kind of routine I went for my next LFT. My SGPT persisted it;'s high value rather increased from 612 to 654 and same for SGOT. Though  in bothe the cases my Bilirubin remained same 1.0.
Now I felt scared and panicked. Doctor told to me that whether I'm a smoker or take regular alcohol or not. My answer was no. Even for tests like ANA (that determines whether you have had some past history or not for persistent high values of these two liver enzymes) , the result was normal. USG also didn't tell anything irregular; so the scenario is that Liver Function Test told to me that my condition became worse but neither any other test find out the reason or correlation. Even doctor was confused.
My only googling activity was to search about the SGPT/ SGOT and how to reduce it's value. At that time probably my mental illness was more acute than my physical.
But we decided to go for a second opinion. What happened after that -- I'll describe in the last part.

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