Thursday, May 22, 2008

Enjoying rain in delhi

Ah... what a weather for last couple of days here! Sometimes its drizzling, sometimes raining like cats n dogs and soaring mercury has been brought down by weather god up to 20 C.

(Can't refrain to add the photo collected from BBC)

None can imagine this kind of climate here in May when usually sun is beating down around all the place. Unfortunately I need to come to my office as there is no more leave has left hence can't enjoy fully but still sometimes find the glimpse of it while coming outside from the office. Might be the following few lines of William Wordsworth is very much applicable though he had written these for his native land

There was a roaring in the wind all night;

The rain came heavily and fell in floods;

But now the sun is rising calm and bright;

The birds are singing in the distant woods;

My friends are in Mumbai or Kolkata might not enjoy this rain as much as we are enjoying here but it's true that rainy season in Delhi are sweet short and hence beautiful!

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