Friday, July 18, 2008

Nuclear Energy and hullabaloo in Indian Politics

Once again, Indian politics is making another "Circus Show" :-)

But prior to that lets play with some dry stats!
If you do a googling a bit, you can yourself find out that nuclear power incorporates only about 3% of the total power generation of India.
And if nuclear power stations reach to their optimum capacity, they can contribute 10% of our total energy consumption. But as the fuel for those are not very much abundant in India and hence for the continious fuel supply the nuclear deal is required, as well as from the transfer of technology view point, so that we can attain better productivity of those nuclear plants, these deal can work perfectly.

But unfortunately as usual no political parties are going to ask a few important questions or there is no general awareness among the mass regarding a few notable points.
  • First, if we develop some elementary habits such as switching off the light before leaving from our flats, it saves nearly 7% of the produced energy. In other words, it is equivalent to produce an energy which is 7% of the total energy consumption.
  • Secondly, why the departments of alternative energies can't come with solution alternative to nuclear energy those are at least cheaper than nuclear energy.
  • Thirdly, after spending this huge investment how long we'll continue to produce this kind of energy as by the present statistics the existing nuclear fuel can provide us power upto a few decades if and only if all other conditions are remaining unchanged!
  • Fourthly, why the countries like germany are not opening any new nuclear plants?

It seems that Leftists have only concern that the deal has made between India and USA , if the deal has made between India and China, they would be happy. They are not bothered about the unanswered questions.
Mayavati has once again played the caste and religion card along with her dirty politics.

BJP though they had started earlier to make the stategic relationship with USA are trying to catch fish in dirty water.

The show named "Political Circus in India" must be going on!

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