Friday, December 26, 2008

Remove specific url from your system

Most of the people while specially using computer from a public place say cyber cafe or in office , generally we go to the History tab of Internet Explorer (directly or pressing ctrl+h) or by pressing (ctrl+shift+h) in firefox to delete the specific details of that url.
By doing so we feel we are assured and so that no one can ever able to trace that.
Might be for most of the cases it's quite enough to remove that particular entry from your system but wait ........
In some cases you find that after removing all the entity from history if someone types the first word of that site , it keeps coming.
People often use delete all option of IE or Clear Private Data option of firefox and clear the whole but still sometimes it will not resolve the issue.
If you ever face this then kindly follow the following steps:
1) Click start and go to the run option or simply press Windows tab(the tab that's in between ctrl and alt in the left hand side of your keyboard)+r
It opens run
2) type regedit ---> It open your registry settings
3)Expand my computer there.
5)Expand Software>Microsoft>Internet Explorer
6) Go to TypedURLs tab and click it
7)Right hand side you find the entries of the typed urls
8) Find the entry of the url you want to delete and right click to that entity under the Name column.
9)Can't you see the "Delete" option...
that's it click it and free from the confounded url.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

SQL Insert with ' (quote)

First of all, the target audience of this article is not those who have spent some time already with SQL server but it's for those who are newbie to this field.
Lets start from the scratch by creating a simple table, named Shippers.
ShipperID int IDENTITY(1,1),
CompanyName nvarchar(50) ,
Phone nvarchar(50)

If we write an insert to insert the data to the Shippers table like this:
Insert into Shippers(CompanyName, Phone) values ('ABC' ,'888-999-9999')

There won't be any problem but if we try to insert some data having quotation e.g. here after word Rock there is one quote and Muscle word is inside the quote mark will create problem
Insert into Shippers(CompanyName, Phone) values ('Rock's 'Muscle'' ,'XXX-999-9999')

The error will be like this
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near 's'.
Msg 105, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Unclosed quotation mark after the character string ')

Then we need to modify our query in the following way :
Insert into Shippers(CompanyName, Phone) values ('Rock''s ''Muscle''' ,'XXX-999-9999')
The simple funda is to put one additional quote for every exisiting single quote i.e. after word Rock instead of one there will be 2 quotes as shown in the above query and so on.

Happy querying and advanced Merry X-MAS :-)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Subjunctive Mood ; try to write better English

Most of the explanations and examples of this post have been taken from my English Coaching sir's note.

English verbs have four moods: indicative, imperative, subjunctive, and infinitive.
Mood is the form of the verb that shows the mode or manner in which a thought is expressed.
I've seen in some grammar books instead of infinitive author included interrogative mood as one of the four moods.
I'll like to succinct here only the subjunctive mood only but for a brief refernce to all other along with Subjunctive, reader can check the following link:
A verb is in the subjunctive mood when it expresses a condition which is doubtful or not factual.
It is typically observed in a subordinate clause beginning with the word if.
It is also found in clauses following a verb that expresses a doubt, a wish, regret, request, demand, or proposal.
Some verbs those are followed by clauses that take the subjunctive:
ask, demand, determine, insist, move, order, pray, prefer, recommend, regret, request, require, suggest, and wish.
Prior to start discussion let us put two sentences:

  • I was in your position two years ago. (not in the subjunctive mood)
  • If I were in your position, I would do the same. (subjunctive mood)

The subjunctive for the present tense third person singular drops the -s or -es so that it looks and sounds like the present tense for everything else.
The subjunctive mood of the verb to be is be in the present tense and were in the past tense, regardless of what the subject is.

Incorrect: If I was you, I would run.
Correct: If I were you, I would run. (The verb follows if and expresses a non-factual condition.)

Incorrect: I wish he was able to type faster.
Correct: I wish he were able to type faster. (The second verb is in a clause following a verb expressing a wish. It also suggests a non-factual or doubtful condition.)

Incorrect: His requirement is that everyone is computer literate.
Correct: His requirement is that everyone be computer literate. (Subordinate clause follows main clause with a demand.)

Incorrect: He recommended that each driver reports his tips.
Correct: He recommended that each driver report his tips.

Sometimes we may use the conditional auxiliary verbs of could, should, or would to express the same sense.
Subjunctive:I wish he were kinder to me.
Conditional: I wish he would be kinder to me.

English has had a subjunctive mood since Old English times, but most of the functions of the old subjunctive have been taken over by auxiliary verbs like may and should, and the subjunctive survives only in very limited situations.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Best musical ad of 2008, according to me :-)

This limca ad is one of the best ad in 2008. This add soothes my mind whenever I feel disappointed, mentally pissed. On the other hand this add makes my mood ecstatic while I am enjoying. Enjoy the music and the freshness.

I really enjoy this, specially enjoy the music!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

To write better English: For , while , during -- how and when to use?

To represent time , we generally used 3 common prepositions in English viz., for - while - during.

For - The preposition "for" is used to express how long something or someone is doing something.
"For" is used to state a period of time and is used with a noun/pronoun (or any other form of nouns) .

I have been driving my car for 3 hours.
The lady has been shouting for a long time.
The traffic has been bad for the last three days.

While - The preposition "while" is used to represent the length of time an action has been happening. "While" is used when speaking about 2 actions that are happing at the same time. The length of the action is not important.
"While" is used with a subject and a verb.

While I was playing with my cat, my brother was doing her homework.
While we are playing cards, the music was playing.
My mother doesn't like the T. V. on while we are eating dinner.

During -The preposition "during" is used to represent the length of time of an action that is while the action is happening.
"During" is used with a noun/pronoun (or any other form of nouns) .

I will be really busy during the week.
The girls were talking during the party.
The streetlights went out during the hurricane.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

After Mumbai Terror, Politicians showed their true colors

Yesterday Kerala Chief Minister VS Achuthanandan insulted the family of martyred NSG Commando Sandeep Unnikrishnan that will once again show the true color of indian Politicians. This thing again show that why this country faced more than 13 terrorist attack alone in 2008.
Because this is the country where politicians even didn't show little bit of courtesy to a martyr like Sandeep Unnikrishnan.
On the other hand, Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi yesterday told that this tirade against the politician is only prevailed in the mind of some elitist people. As if the Mumbai terror is carrying very insignificant consequence to the whole nation. What he thinks about himself.
Had anyone watched the interview that Bilasrao Deshmukh given to defend himself on Monday?
Where reportes asking that why he had been accompanied by RGV he was laughling like a joker.
Shame on them.

Time has come to unite against the dirty f*****g Indian politicians, otherwise future will not forgive us!!!
If we stand for what we believe in, we can change the world !!

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