Friday, December 26, 2008

Remove specific url from your system

Most of the people while specially using computer from a public place say cyber cafe or in office , generally we go to the History tab of Internet Explorer (directly or pressing ctrl+h) or by pressing (ctrl+shift+h) in firefox to delete the specific details of that url.
By doing so we feel we are assured and so that no one can ever able to trace that.
Might be for most of the cases it's quite enough to remove that particular entry from your system but wait ........
In some cases you find that after removing all the entity from history if someone types the first word of that site , it keeps coming.
People often use delete all option of IE or Clear Private Data option of firefox and clear the whole but still sometimes it will not resolve the issue.
If you ever face this then kindly follow the following steps:
1) Click start and go to the run option or simply press Windows tab(the tab that's in between ctrl and alt in the left hand side of your keyboard)+r
It opens run
2) type regedit ---> It open your registry settings
3)Expand my computer there.
5)Expand Software>Microsoft>Internet Explorer
6) Go to TypedURLs tab and click it
7)Right hand side you find the entries of the typed urls
8) Find the entry of the url you want to delete and right click to that entity under the Name column.
9)Can't you see the "Delete" option...
that's it click it and free from the confounded url.

1 comment:

Deepshikha Sarda said...

an eye-opener fact...
will try it for sure..

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