Saturday, August 15, 2009

Meaning of Freedom

What is freedom?
Is it synonymous with the right to do anything?
Does this give us a right to articulate our feelings as we wish to do so? I’m really confused and hence trying to explore the meaning of the apparently simple word.
Then I have started asking people about their understanding of freedom?
A taxi driver answered that buying his own cab in one day is the freedom for him.
College girl told me that to buy as many as apparels is the definition of freedom for her.
A kid replied to me that if he doesn’t need to go to the school for one day, he’ll consider to be free!!!
One of my friends told me to spend a day uninterrupted in hill station is a freedom for her.
Another said to read the book that he loves through out the day defines the freedom for him.
And for me freedom means:
To write in my blog,
To sing a song or to play a guitar---
To paint on a canvas
To chat with my close friends for hour
To travel to some unknown place
To walk in the drizzle
And to reach at the zenith!!!”

1 comment:

Bethany said...

when I think of freedom, lots of things come to mind. Mostly about political issues, but also about the ability to enjoy life's simple pleasures.

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