Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010 -- Few thoughts and doubts

Hey all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wishing all your dreams , goals have been materialized in 2010.
I like to discuss few points here, which might be interesting to you too or even you've also countered those in your life. I would like to know your thoughts also regarding the same either by email or by putting your comments here.
Since my teenage, I've a doubt in my mind that which one having greater impact to life : luck or effort?
Answer is : "It Depends"
When you are doing something related to your professional life or career, effort is more important and has impact to change in your life than luck; but when you are doing something not related with your professional life or career, the scenario reverses.
Let me give an example , you are preparing for some exam, more the effort you'll put , more the chance will be there that you'll be coming out with flying colors.
Almost every quantitative aspects , effort has more impact than luck does.
But consider the scenario, you want to make a friendship with someone , you can't put effort on that.
If she believes that you are not at all suitable for her friendship or if she thinks that you are not honest etc , you can't convince her by putting effort.
You've to have bestowed with sheer luck so that she can be kind enough to accept your friendship.

Secondly how can we distinguish between infatuation and love?
Lets try to write the answer of this in different fashion. Do you think Love at first sight are nearly equivalent to infatuation? One of the meanings of infatuation is "Temporary Love". But every thing in our life when starts, starts like a transient and temporary fashion and then after the passage of time if that has the potential, the temporary one becomes an eternal. In this way of thought,infatuation may end to the true love in some cases. Other meaning of infatuation is "A foolish and usually extravagant passion or love or admiration". Don't you think that the same can be said for the love at first sight?
Some says love is illogical . Probably that is why it is beautiful. But as its really difficult to segregate between infatuation and love , its tough to find parameters with which we can distinguish between this two closely related things yet different in ending!


Deepshikha Sarda said...

hmmm....certainly they create some doubts....which definitely requires an amount of effort for proper understanding.

Bindia said...

I get an inkling that you wish to propose/have proposed someone :) Luck or efforts, infatuation or love... hope your question gets an answer in the year 2010.. Have a happy...doubtfree new year....Cheers!!

Manas said...

Well I believe that success is made of efforts and luck both. Efforts are the base and the building, and luck is the tower over that building that displays the actual hight.

Luck plays over the your efforts to highlight it.

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