Sunday, February 28, 2010

Happy Holi

Happy holi to all!!!!
          I've never had a great involvement in holi because since my childhood I was very scare of those dark sticky colors. Rather I always prefer to take a place in our attic where lots of cockroaches, lizards and spiders were there. So I've spent many holis along with them!
          Our house was almost at center place of the town where I was born and brought up. Hence lots of the friends, relatives used to come to our house and some of them used to search me for fun. I am never able to find the reason that if someone doesn't like to participate something , then why others force to him / her to be a part of the same.Anyway nowadays my scare about colors have been removed and last few years I've played with ABIR / GULAL. Lots of my friends who are courageous enough to take the occasion of holi to play little bit with girls but for me some of the girls threw colors to me. Reason is same as I've never a penchant for playing holi rather always try to escape from it so a little bit of ragging....

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