Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What to do if you feel bad?

Sometimes people might blame you for doing something , for which you're not responsible.
Sometime you feel disappointed and morally down. After a thoughtful analyses, I observed that people are more or less jump into depression whenever they are accused irrationally or illogically. But ironically, in spite of our subconscious understanding that we are accused unnecessarily or sometimes even intentionally, we are feeling bad.Consequently our productivity has been impacted.

So what are the solution?
1. Just take it easy and remember the famous quote of Ford : I don't know the key of success but key of failure is that if you want to please everyone.
2. Listen soft music.
3. If you've lots of work to do, do those with utter dedication.
4. Reading book.
5. Do whatever you like such as create your own blog and write something!

More things will be added into this list in near keep reading :-)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

IT industry scenario in West Bengal -- gap between dream and reality

Recently I was watching interview of West Bengal's industry minister Partha Chatterjee. He claimed that there will be a revolution in industry in West Bengal.
If you assume IT industry is also part of the general industry then you can feel the wave of recolution in this industry also.
But unfortunately we can't see even some small movement in last 4/5 months.
I've some concerns here:
1. In this bad economy whether the MNCs are at all interested to open new centers in new places?
2. Does the operational cost less in Kolkata? If its so then why so many squre feet areas in different buildings still remain empty in IT hub of Kolkata?
3. In big IT cities along with big Indian IT companies and big MNCs smaller MNCs are also take part of the grwth. Is there any such movement being noticed here?
4. Already the state has acute shortage of power and I've not seen any investment in alternative sources of energy. How the demand of industry evaoltion, eeven if it will happen be met?
5. Last but not the least how the situation in transport will amend?

Kindly don't think I'm the pessimist, rather I'm really skeptic here as I've seen lots of promises of the politicians not only in our state but also in our country throughout my life :-)


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Probably the best sporting moment in India Messi Came and Conquered

Amidst skepticism and diffidence, whether Kolkata really able to host such a high profile match, Messi came and conquered. I like to use the famous idiom that has been cliched " Veni Vidi Vici". Since yesterday afternoon the arteries of Kolkata such as EM Bypass was jammed by few kilometers (according to a local news paper it is about 20 KM). Even the celebrities from other field flown to witness one of the greatest sporting moments of the country. People saw legends like Pele and Mara dona  but they came long after their retirement as an international footballer. Pele still managed to play match for Cosmos but Mara dona came when he became a coach. Recently best player of world cup 2010 Diego Forlan came but didn't hit the ground as a footballer. Lots of critics, football analysts were dubious whether Messi would give is 100% or not, but he proved them wrong as he shown  that the professionals always give their full 100%.
The genius seemingly unfazed and delivered some of his brilliant touch for which he became Messi, even see the passivity of the police who had the desire to approach him to click a photo rather to protect him and eventually was surrounded by the numerous fan after the game. And that's the first time when Messi really scare to see the numerous fans. 
I hope this learning will be instrumental for us if we ever get an opportunity to organize another big match, Kolkatans need toundertand the magnitude of the event. They should behave such a way so as to world praise us instead of criticize.
Nevertheless world now know the passion for football in this city. 
See the comments in the leading newspapers of Argentina. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

An unforgettable tour to not so known Jana Waterfalls

First I like to mention that this is the continuation of my trip diary of my last post. An apology to all of you to mention the second part comes after such a long period of time after the first. This time in Manali,I decided not to go to Manikaran as last time I didn't find it exactly charming. So I planned for a trip in Naggar Castle which already known to me thanks to my homework prior to the tour :-)
But while start the driver told us that sir would you like to try Jana waterfalls as it is yet to be known by too many persons and you would like it. I agreed with this proposal, obviously by spending little bit more money! Earlier I too experienced in beauty of silence and in this time on the way of Jana falls, I realized that sometimes silence has its own sound. In most of the part of the trip, the road is not as well maintained as that of Manali to Rotang but long hilly trees such as Oak, Burch and Deodar
as well as Pine simply add a beautiful road for us to reach Jana. In that way sometimes the flapping of the wings of birds and sometimes barking of the dogs torn the solid silence. Sometimes dripping sound of water that also flowing over the road add a different entity through the whole travel.
At last we reached the place where there re two waterfalls just 100 meters or so far away. I'd tried to reach the cave from where the Jana emanates but unfortunately without having any stick I was scared to reach there. Along with the fact I personally believe that you should have another pair of trouser at least if you need to cross muddy and water clad place. So this time this remains untouched and if ever can make a return here I'll definitely post the photos of the cave!
P.S: Please wait for the Naggar Castle part

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Some important tips for Summer Trip in Shimla

First I like to mention that this article is not an usual travel diary rather its a synopsis of the fact that what needs to be done and what is not, according to my opinion. I like to divide the whole articles into two parts. The first part is depicted for my trip in Shimla and its adjacent sightseeing and the part two is for Manali and it’s surrounding.
 I think the best way to reach Shimla is by toy train from Kalka. There are few trains available that narrow gauge starting from 5 AM , then 5:30 , 6 and 6:30 AM. After that the next is 12 noon. My first suggestion to you that if you start from Howrah by Kalka mail then please don’t book any ticket to any train, as in my case Kalka mail was arrived at Kalka 1 minute before of the scheduled time i.e. in 4:39 AM instead of 4:40 AM! So just go for an extension from Kalka to Shimla in the extension counter at Kalka railway station and save your time and reduce your anxiety! This rail track is preserved as a heritage track and without handy cam you’ll not be able to capture the beauty.

Some small stops, small stations and numerous tunnels (over 100) definitely add into the beauty of this route. But the tall deodar, pine and birch trees (though few in numbers) were the most attractive parts to me. It’s really an experience to me while moving through the dense hilly forest. It was a journey for over 5 hours.

In Shimla, it’s better not to book hotel before reaching there, though I booked it from makemytrip but later find lots of good hotels near Mall. We booked the hotel for room rent along with breakfast + lunch / dinner, but there are so many good options near Mall for food, hence there is no point to going into that scheme. One exception if you are travelling with aged person, then you should book hotel before reaching in Shimla. There is couple of very good places for food in Mall itself.

We encountered rain in Shimla so either raincoat or carrying umbrella is recommended. If you’ve paucity of time, then you can go for sightseeing in Shimla by HPTDC conducted tour otherwise bargain a bit and get your own taxi so that you can spend time as much as you wish!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Fictitious Trip in Virtual Valentine Day

If today I've some respite or if I can take a break from my work, I'll do the following things :-)
********************************************************************************* In the midst of the nature,
far from the madding crowd..
where one can explore other
while walking in a virgin sea-beach.
The seawater kisses your feet
and faded sun-rays touches you...
we are walking, walking and walking..
under the blue welkin, embracing the nature
what we knew , we left that behind,
what is unknown we perceive!
And thus enjoying the V-Day!!!
Though hold your hand before
but never realized the warmth
the way I realize today

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Calcutta Zoo in a weekend

 Recently I went to Calcutta Zoo just for a change and just to experience an altogether different environment from the places I usually go to weekends. First I like to add here this is my first visit to this zoo after really a long, long period of time. It reminds me about my childhood days when I longed for a day so as to visit the zoo. Calcutta Zoo is probably the oldest zoo in India.
 If I'm saying I'm disappointed to visit the zoo, it is not entirely correct. Let us accept the fact that everything is changing so as the entry fee of zoo, that reaches to 20 rupees per person. But I was delighted that they are still not charging anything for the camera!
In zoo the collection of birds is still awesome. If I remember correctly, I found more mammals when I used to visit zoo regularly in my schooldays. It might be because of wildlife rule or  might be because of the cost, lot of places are empty. I also personally feel that this kind of cage based concept of zoo is now obsolete. I noticed couple of birds can't fly as they are in the cage for a very long time, probably.

But I truly feel that the animals should be cared well. I really don't know whether there are real shortage of workers or not , or there are lack of fund allocation for the welfare of the animal in the zoo, but we like to see more care to the zoo.

At least the environment can be made more eco friendly, more greener and cleaner. The lake water is simply terrible. I was disappointed to know that the reptile house been no longer there in the zoo. Might be the concerned department should come with more innovative plan to renovate the zoo. There can be a small exclusive place for coffee shop or one book shop for the animal related science so that some more revenue can be generated.

Anyways I know it is easy to criticize but I'm not feeling extremely glad when I found that one of the pride of our own city been declining as some of the others.

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