Wednesday, November 2, 2011

IT industry scenario in West Bengal -- gap between dream and reality

Recently I was watching interview of West Bengal's industry minister Partha Chatterjee. He claimed that there will be a revolution in industry in West Bengal.
If you assume IT industry is also part of the general industry then you can feel the wave of recolution in this industry also.
But unfortunately we can't see even some small movement in last 4/5 months.
I've some concerns here:
1. In this bad economy whether the MNCs are at all interested to open new centers in new places?
2. Does the operational cost less in Kolkata? If its so then why so many squre feet areas in different buildings still remain empty in IT hub of Kolkata?
3. In big IT cities along with big Indian IT companies and big MNCs smaller MNCs are also take part of the grwth. Is there any such movement being noticed here?
4. Already the state has acute shortage of power and I've not seen any investment in alternative sources of energy. How the demand of industry evaoltion, eeven if it will happen be met?
5. Last but not the least how the situation in transport will amend?

Kindly don't think I'm the pessimist, rather I'm really skeptic here as I've seen lots of promises of the politicians not only in our state but also in our country throughout my life :-)


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