Sunday, October 24, 2010

Era as per Hindu Mythology -Durgapuja @ Kumortuli Park 2010

 The worship of goddess Durga in Kumortuli Park was based on the theme of division of era as per Hindu Mythology. The pandel was framed as Kalchakra -- The Time Wheel
 As per Hindu Mythology the era can be divided into four broad category - Satya , Treta, Dwapor and Koli.
 The avatar of Lord Vishnu at Satya era....He had 4 hands according to myth with Sankha , Padma (Lotus in one of his hand), Gada and Chakro (both are weapon to kill demon) in each of his hands
 The beautiful inner decoration of the roof... amazing!!!

 Above Ram - the avatar of Treta era and left Shree Krishna -- the avatar of Dwapor
The goddess Durga, demolishing evil and establishing peace.... I'm really glad to see the perfection of Kumortuli Park... I don't know whether they won any prize or not but according to me it is one of the best in this year!

1 comment:

Deepshikha said...

you made me enjoy the bestest Durga idol of Kolkata, sitting here in Nagpur

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